Governance Committee
MINUTES of a meeting of the Governance Committee held at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes on 5 March 2024.
PRESENT Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair), Nick Bennett, Bob Bowdler, Chris Collier, Johnny Denis and Kathryn Field
Councillors Colin Belsey, Penny di Cara, Christine Robinson, David Tutt (remotely via MS Teams) and Trevor Webb |
53. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2024
53.1 RESOLVED – that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 23 January 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
54. reports
54.1 Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.
55. Appointments to the Independent Remuneration Panel
55.1 The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive regarding the appointments to the Independent Remuneration Panel.
55.2 The Committee RESOLVED to appoint Daphne Bagshaw, Fiona Leathers and Linda Hawkins to the Independent Remuneration Panel for a term of 5 years from 1 April 2024.
56. Amendment to the Constitution - Scheme of Delegation to Officers
56.1 The Committee considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer regarding amendments to the Constitution in relation to the Pension Fund.
56.2 The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the County Council to agree:
1) The proposed amendment to the write off of debt authorisation process in relation to the Pension Fund as set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report;
2) The amendment as set out in paragraph 3.4 and to amend the Scheme of Delegation to Officers as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.